Saturday, September 20, 2014

Cremona blue fusion di undang Ambon Jazz plus festival 2014

Cremona Blue fusion di undang untuk kali pertama , di Ambon Jazz Plus Festival 2014 di Ambon, merupakan ulang tahun ke 5 dari AJPF, ada sedikit kutipan info tentang AJPF yang di tulis di web resmi :
" The idea of starting an international music festival in Ambon came from a hotel room in down town Ambon, called MUTIARA HOTEL. In room 207 is where, three individuals were brain storming on how to begin promoting Ambon internationally, using music as the vehicle. In October of 2008 the first logo of Ambon Jazz Plus Festival (AJPF) was created including the basic general plan for the festival.

AJPF became a reality in October of 2009. The exact dates for the festival were the 9, 10 and 11 of October, with more that 120 national and international musicians participated. The word “Plus” means that there are more than just Jazz music; it includes Hip - hop, R&B, Soul, Gospel and World beat. Michael Sembello, Wilkins, Nikky Manuputty, Benny Likumahua, Titi & Akshan Syuman, Saykoji, Soul ID, Massada, Barry Likumahua, ROCK Ensemble, were just the few of many participants, and they all have stated their desire to return for the sequel.

AJPF 2009 was also chose by the central Government of Indonesia as the opening program for World Peace Day event in Ambon where the final day was the inauguration of the world’s thirty-fourth World Peace Gong Monument, 20 November 2009.

Art & Music are the soul of the people of Maluku and integrated strongly in their culture and daily living. On its 3rd year, 2011, Ambon was declared by the Governor of Maluku, Kareal Ralahalu and the Mayor of Ambon, Richard Louhenapessy, as the CITY OF MUSIC. Therefore, a festival in this magnitude is a significant aspect to support the tourism industry for the city of Ambon, the City of Music of Indonesia.

This year, after unintended absent in 2013, AJPF is back with its number one Partner, the Government of the City of Ambon. AJPF will celebrate its 5th anniversary, on the same dates as its initial Festival dates - 9, 10, 11 October, with the theme LEAP OF FAITH.

dan untuk ke 5 kali AJPF di adakan , dan terdapat banyak artis yang diundang di acara AJPF 2014, seperti Andra the backbone, Gugun blues shelter, Benny likumahua jazz connection, dan salah satunya Puguh kribo & Cremona blue fusion.